Beginning Tuesday, March 18, 2025, the Business Office will be temporary located in the Admissions and Records Office Room P203
Northeast State Community College - We're here to get you there

Guide to Campus Resources

The Guide to Campus Resources is published by the Office of the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success.  It has alphabetical listings of services, institutional policies, programs, clubs, and student organizations available to the Northeast State community. Sections are the Campus Information and Services Directory, Institutional Policy Statements, and Sanctioned Student Organizations, Clubs, and Programs.


Section 1: Campus Information and Services Directory

The following are some of the offices and programs where students may receive information or help. This listing is not exhaustive.  It features those services of most interest to students. While the campus sites and office locations referenced in the entries are considered the primary points of contact, most of the services are offered at the various campus locations through on-site offices or by rotating personnel from the Blountville campus during select hours.

Please note that office locations are subject to change due to Northeast State’s continual growth and expansion. You can contact office staff by telephone or email to verify location information and the specific services available at each campus location.

A - C

Academic Affairs (Room P305, Blountville) – Academic Affairs coordinates all credit educational programming offered by the College and provides leadership for divisional faculty and staff. Reporting directly to the President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for all aspects of credit learning experiences, distance and alternative delivery programs, and academic support services provided by the Library. For more information, please call 423.279.7632 or email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building.

Academic Computing (Room H134, Blountville) – Academic Computing directs the development of Internet courses and faculty training for web-based and technology-enhanced instruction.  It provides assistance and information for academic areas relating to innovations in computing and serves as a research source for students and faculty in the discovery and assessment of new technologies. For more information, please call 423.212.3552 or email Mike Collins at Visit the office in the Locke Humanities Building.

Access and Leadership Enrichment (Room P318, Blountville) – The Office of Access and Leadership Enrichment is committed to working cooperatively with campus and community groups to encourage academic excellence, and strengthen leadership skills. For more information, please call 423.354.2503, visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building, or visit the LEAD Center webpage.

Accessibility Services (Room C2311, Blountville) – Accessibility Services provides services and support to students with documented disabilities so that they have equal access to classes, campus programs, and activities. According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a student with a disability is someone who has a physical or mental impairment; has a history of impairment; or is believed to have a disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities; such as learning, speaking, working, hearing, breathing, caring of oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, or walking.

Any student with a disability who seeks accommodations must self-identify and provide documentation of the disability to the department. Once the documentation is received, the coordinator will meet one-on-one with students to determine appropriate accommodations per disability and/or diagnostic documentation for classes and/or programs. It is the responsibility of students to request an accommodation letter each semester and to provide that letter to their instructor(s) promptly. Instructors are not required to provide accommodations for students before receiving accommodation letters. For more information, please call 423.279.7640 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building. 

Adjunct Faculty Information (Room C2308, Blountville) – Adjunct faculty are professional staff members of businesses, industries, and other agencies and organizations who are appointed on a part-time basis to carry out instructional, research, or public service functions. For more information, please call 423.354.5109 or email Evening Services.

Admissions and Records (Room P203, Blountville) –Admissions and Records oversees activities related to student admittance, enrollment, grade reporting, academic standards, transcripts, and graduation. For more information, please call 423.323.0253 or email Visit the office locations in Blountville, Elizabethton, Gray, or Kingsport.

Adult Education/High School Equivalency (HSE) Diploma (BWH121, Kingsport) – The Adult Education/High School Equivalency (HSE) Diploma program delivers educational services to adults who are over the age of 17 (unless granted an exception) who lack a high school diploma and no longer under compulsory attendance to public high school. The program covers an eight (8) county area where adults are assessed to determine their level of education and provided instruction to improve their math, science, social studies, reading, writing, and employability skills. ESL services are available in most areas. The HiSET exam must be taken and passed to receive the High School Equivalency Diploma. Adult Education classes are offered free of charge. This instruction is designed to provide students with the knowledge necessary to receive a High School Equivalency Diploma and enter employment and/or postsecondary education. For more information, please call 844.637.5697 toll-free or 423.354.5307, or email Visit the office in Blazier-Wilson Hall at 222 W. Main Street, Kingsport. 

Advancement Office (Room P307B, Blountville) – The Advancement Office oversees a comprehensive fundraising program, including annual giving, special events, capital campaigns, major gifts, planned giving, and community relations.  For more information, please call 423.279.7630 or email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building.

Advising Resource Center (Room C2106, Blountville) – The Advising Resource Center provides academic, career, relational, and transfer advising services to students.  It manages a variety of outreach programs to promote student success; develops academic plans for students; coordinates the academic advisement for registration events; and assists in providing advisor training to faculty and staff. For more information, please call 423.323.0214, email, visit the office in the General Studies Building, or go to

Alumni Office (Room C2415A, Blountville) – The Alumni Office works with faculty, staff, and students to enhance and advance the institution’s reputation. Programs, events, and services are designed to encourage individuals to stay connected to Northeast State. Through the Alumni Community, we provide the ability to share news; search for job opportunities; connect with former classmates, professors, and staff; keep up with activities on Northeast State campuses. Keep your contact information up to date with the Alumni Office to receive more information. Please call 423.354.5359 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building.

Assessment and Placement Test Information (Room C2301, Blountville) – First-time freshmen applying for admission to Northeast State may present ACT®, SAT® or, ACCUPLACER®  test scores to determine placement. All test scores must have been earned within five years of the first day of the entering term to be valid. Students who do not present valid test scores will be placed into Learning Support co-requisite English, reading, and/or math courses. Transfer students without valid test scores or college transfer credit in English and/or math from a regionally accredited college or university will be placed into Learning Support co-requisite courses. Students can challenge placement into Learning Support courses by taking the ACCUPLACER® assessment test. For more information, please call 423.354.5358 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building. 

Ballad Health Center for the Performing Arts (BHCPA) (Room D161, Blountville) – The Ballad Health Center for the Performing Arts hosts a wide variety of cultural events, concerts, lectures, dance programs, plays, and conferences sponsored by the College and community partners. The seating capacity is 500, and the facility is ADA-accessible. Free parking is available. For more information, please contact the theatre manager at 423.354.5173.

Bear Cove Student Lounge (Room C1114, Blountville) – The Bear Cove Student Lounge is designed for students to use while studying, socializing, eating, relaxing, and lounging in between classes. In the Bear Cove you can also check out some athletic equipment including tennis racquets, pickleball paddles, footballs, basketballs, and more. For more information, please call 423.354.2416 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building.

Bear Den Student Help Centers – The Bear Den provides students with a central location to seek assistance with admissions, advising, financial aid, or making appropriate referrals. In-person assistance is available at the following locations, Blountville (C2107, General Studies Building), Kingsport (BWH115, Blazier-Wilson Hall), Elizabethton (E104), and Gray (G106), or online. For more information, please call 423.354.2423 or email

Behavioral and Social Sciences Division (Room H229, Blountville) – The Behavioral and Social Sciences Division provides instruction in Communication Studies, Criminal Justice and Criminology, Early Childhood Education, Physical Education, Psychology, Social Sciences, Sociology, and Teacher Education. Courses offered by the division are designed to fulfill the general education course requirements in technical education programs and to prepare students in the University Parallel program to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. For more information, please call 423.354.2457 or email Visit the office in the Locke Humanities Building.

Be Safe - Be Safe is an institution-wide effort to create safe and respectful environments in which all College constituencies can learn and work without fear of harassment or threat of violence. For more information, please call 423.354.5296, email, or visit

Beyond Reconnect  – Beyond Reconnect provides advising, registration, referrals, mentoring, and other support services for adult students. For more information, please call 423.279.7665. Go online to

Blazier-Wilson Hall/Student and Community Services (Room BWH106, Kingsport) – Blazier-Wilson Hall/Student Community Services coordinates and provides support services to enhance and promote student retention and persistence to graduation at the Kingsport teaching site. Services include Admissions, Adult Education Program, Career Counseling, Financial Aid, and Testing Services. For more information, please call 423.354.2434 Visit Blazier-Wilson Hall at 222 W. Main Street in downtown Kingsport.

Bookstore  (Room A218, Blountville) – The Bookstore stocks textbooks and educational supplies. The store also keeps a supply of other items, such as caps and shirts imprinted with the College name/logo. Financial Aid can be used during set times to buy books at the Northeast State Bookstore. The dates when students can use this feature varies based on each semester's first day of class.  Please check with the Bookstore or Financial Aid to learn more about the dates and details of this process. For more information, please call 423.279.3340, email, or visit the website at Visit the Bookstore’s location in the Student Services Building.

Brightspace (D2L®) Access (Room H134, Blountville) – The Brightspace/D2L learning environment is an online application that instructors use to teach classes, assign homework, and give tests and quizzes. Students can submit homework, check grades, and participate in online chats as the course instructor enables.  For more information or assistance with problems concerning D2L access, please call 423.212.3552 or email Mike Collins at Visit the office in the Locke Humanities Building or go online to

Bulletin Boards – Northeast State has designated deans and other campus site directors and coordinators, as authorized officials to approve bulletin board use on all campuses. All notices, posters, advertisements, announcements, and other bulletin board information must be approved by the campus site directors or coordinators.

Business Office-Cashier (Room C2407, Blountville) – Fees, tuition, bills, and fines can be paid online and at kiosks found at each campus with cards or checks; and in the Business Office using cash, checks, cards, and money orders. Normal hours of operations are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, with extended hours during peak registration times. For more information, please call 423.354.2511 or email Visit the office locations at each campus:

  • Blountville - 423.354.2511 (Room C2407)
  • Elizabethton - 423.547.8450 (Room E105)
  • Kingsport - 423.354.2512 (Room KCHE108)

Campus Activities (Room C1107, Blountville) – Campus Activities complement curricular programs through social, cultural, and recreational programs that enhance students’ collegiate experiences. Programs include student activities, clubs, and organizations, performing and visual arts, and service opportunities. For more information, please call 423.354.2416 or email

Campus Alert System (Room C2401 or A101, Blountville) – Students are encouraged to sign up for school delay and closure announcements as well as updates and campus-wide emergency alerts on their cell phones and via email through the NeSCC Alert system. For more information, please call 423.323.0255 or email Visit the Northeast State Police Department in the General Studies or Student Services Buildings.

Campus Directory (Room P308, Blountville) – The Campus Directory is an online listing of full-time faculty and staff. The directory listing includes each employee’s name, title, office location, on-campus extension, and direct telephone number. The directory is updated by the Office of Human Resources. For more information, please call the HR office at 423.354.2589 or email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building. For adjunct faculty emails, please refer to the Adjunct Faculty Directory.

Campus Police (Room C2401 or A101, Blountville) – The Northeast State Police Department provides students, staff, faculty, and visitors with a safe and secure environment to learn, work, and visit. Campus Police Department Personnel are on duty 365 days a year, 24 hours daily. Campus police and/or security officers are available to help students at the Blountville, Elizabethton, Gray, and Kingsport campuses. The Campus Police emergency cell number is 423.677.7927. For more information, please call 423.323.0255 (off campus), extension 3255 (on campus), or email Visit the office locations in the General Studies Building or the Student Services Building.

Career & Workforce Development Center (Room C2418, Blountville) – Northeast State’s Career & Workforce Development Center serves students, alumni, and community members in all career and professional planning.  The staff can assist with career coaching, resume development, cover letters, interviewing, and job search. The office can help individuals with clarifying their objectives and establishing career goals.  Additionally, Career and Workforce Development Center staff stay abreast of regional career opportunities to help individuals connect to jobs that fit their skills, interests, and employment needs. To learn more about the center’s programs and services or to schedule an appointment with a staff member, please call 423.354.5229 or email

CCAMPIS: Child Care Access Means Parents In School (Room C2309, Blountville) – CCAMPIS provides eligible students with childcare subsidies and coaching services to Star Quality licensed providers that deliver childcare services, focusing primarily on full-day care for infants through pre-school ages. A sliding fee scale is used to determine the parent’s cost to the provider. For more information, please call 423.354.5273 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building or go to

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)  (Room L204, Blountville) – The Center for Teaching and Learning cultivates a vibrant teaching and learning culture by providing innovative, high-quality, relevant adjunct and full-time faculty professional development opportunities to promote student success. To cultivate a culture of excellence, the CTL focuses on the following goals:

  • Identifying best practices for teaching and learning
  • Offering continuous targeted and motivating faculty training opportunities
  • Intentionally designing programming for faculty at specific career stages
  • Developing communities of practice

The CTL’s office offers multimedia conference space for individualized and small-group training. For more information, please call 423.354.2596 or email Visit the Center’s location in the Basler Library.

College Level Examination Program® (CLEP) (Room C2301, Blountville) – CLEP® is a credit-by-examination program accepted by most colleges and universities. Northeast State is an Open Test Center for the CLEP program. Non-Northeast State students are welcome to take CLEP exams at the College. CLEP examinations cover material taught in courses most students take as requirements during the first two years of college. Colleges generally grant the same amount of credit to students earning satisfactory scores on the CLEP examination as it grants to students successfully completing that course. Northeast State does not award letter grades for CLEP examinations. Instead, students receive a “P” for passing. For more information, please call 423.354.5358 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building.

Community Relations and Marketing (Room L301B, Blountville) –  Community Relations is the campus's primary media contact and the coordinating office for internal publications, social media, promotional materials, and special events. Marketing produces all external marketing and advertising materials, which include viewbooks, brochures, posters, and digital content. For more information, please call 423.323.0259 or email Visit the office in the Basler Library.

Computer Resources and Guidelines (Room P216C, Blountville) – Computing resources at Northeast State are managed through the Office of Information Technology. Information Technology coordinates planning and provides oversight for implementing new technological applications and maintaining all voice, video, and data applications, including administrative, academic, and mobile computing.  For more information, please call 423.323.0202 or email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building.

Counseling Services (Room C2101, Blountville) – Counseling Services provides free short-term counseling, crisis intervention, and referral services to help support students’ psychological, emotional, and developmental well-being. Counseling provides a safe place for students to talk and can help students struggling with anxiety, depression, or relationship issues; having trouble adjusting to college life; or experiencing the loss of a relationship or the death of a family member. Counseling services are provided by a Licensed Professional Counselor/Mental Health Service Provider and graduate students completing internships in a master’s level counseling or social work program. An appointment may be scheduled by calling 423.354.2587 or emailing . Walk-ins are also welcome. Visit the office in the General Studies Building or go online to Counseling Services 

Cultural Activities (Room C1107, Blountville) – Each year, students can attend a wide and diverse variety of cultural events, from concerts and speakers to dance programs and plays.  Events are scheduled in several campus venues. Northeast State is known as one of the major centers in the Tri-Cities for concerts, plays, workshops, and other events. Northeast State recognizes that attending cultural events is an integral part of the learning experience, and many instructors regularly bring their classes to these entertaining and educational performances. For more information, please call Student Life and Engagement at 423.354.2416 or email

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D - F

Degree Works™ (Room HH108, Blountville) – Degree Works is a degree audit program, and an academic advisement tool designed to help you understand the degree requirements for your major. Degree Works takes the courses from your transcript and reorganizes them to show how they fulfill the requirements for your degree or another major you may be considering. View your Degree Works audit by logging in to MyNE. For more information, please call 423.354.5178, email, or visit Degree Works.

Digital Engagement (Room P305, Blountville) – Northeast State is committed to enhancing students’ educational experience, which includes transforming the learning, technological, and social environments as representative of our core value of responsiveness. To best prepare students to meet the current and emerging needs of the 21st century global living and workplaces, the College facilitates teaching, learning, service, and student success through mobile devices. For complete details on the College's Digital Engagement programs, including ACCESS: Course Materials for All administered by the Northeast State Bookstore, visit Digital Engagement. For assistance with mobile devices, go online to the Help Desk.

Economic and Workforce Development (Room RCAM141, Kingsport) – The purpose of the Economic and Workforce Development division is to expand educational access and student completion by promoting growth throughout the region. The division includes: Workforce Solutions which seeks to be the bridge between workforce training and career opportunities; Adult Education assists each student to achieve their education and career goals; Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) seeks to provide employment opportunities for all ages to improve the region’s workforce; Career Services promotes access to career and supportive services; Office of Apprenticeships strategically empowers employers partnerships to develop employees to the upmost potential of job performance. This division facilitates economic development partnerships with industry, community, educational, and government entities; and establishes active communication with state and local government. The Office of the Vice President for Economic and Workforce Development oversees these efforts.  For more information, please call 423.354.5516 or email Visit the office in the Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing (RCAM), 305 W. Main Street in downtown Kingsport.

Email (Room P218D, Blountville) – Your NeSCC Email is the primary way the College communicates with all students. The student email system is available to every enrolled student at Northeast State. Each semester, accounts are set up for all registered students. This is not your D2L email, but a separate email system accessed through the MyNE Dashboard. Check your NeSCC email daily for upcoming events, important dates, job opportunities, and much more. For more information, please call 423.354.2492 or email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building or go online to (MyNE, MyNortheast) and click on the Microsoft Office 365 email link to access your email account.

Emergency Contact (Room C2401 or A101, A102, A102A, Blountville) – Students may want to share the telephone number where a family member or other individual may call in case of an emergency. Campus emergencies are also reported to this number. The number is:

Northeast State Police Department – 423.677.7927 or 9-1-1. Campus Police Department Personnel are on duty 365 days a year, 24 hours per day. For more information, please call 423.323.0255 (off campus), extension 3255 (on campus), or email Visit the office locations in the General Studies Building or the Student Services Building.

Enrollment Services (Room C2110, Blountville) – The Division of Enrollment Services is comprised of the offices of Admissions & Records, Registrar, Financial Aid, Testing Services, and Veteran & Military Student Success Center. Enrollment Services also oversees student conduct-related matters.  It provides its services to all off-campus instructional sites and for distance learning students. The division’s purpose is to deliver timely, accurate, and high-quality services to facilitate and support student recruitment and graduation. For more information, please call 423.323.0229, email, or visit the office location in the General Studies Building.

Environmental Health and Safety (Room A103B, Blountville) – Northeast State recognizes its obligation to provide an Environmental Health and Safety program that ensures student and employee safety, protects our environment, and promotes sustainability. The Environmental Health and Safety Department is a resource that provides oversight, consultation, policies, training, inspections, documentation, and other services to ensure that Northeast State complies with federal, state, and local health and environmental requirements. For more information, please call 423.354.5224 or email Visit the office in the Student Services Building.

Evening Services (Room C2308, Blountville) – Evening Services facilitates educational program offerings and assists evening students in support of the College’s mission to increase access to higher education. The quality of instruction governing credit courses offered during the evening is supported at the same level as those offered during day and is equivalent in all academic considerations. Admission requirements for evening students are identical to those for regular daytime programs. Evening Services is open Monday through Thursday from 12:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. and from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday. For more information, please call 423.354.5109.

Exit Exams (Room C2301, Blountville) – The Proficiency Profile/Exit exam is for all graduates who will earn an A.A.S., A.S., A.S.T., or A.A. degree. The College uses the Territorium® Proficiency Profile/Exit Exam. Students receiving a Certificate only do not take the exam. There is no fee for completing this exam, and no minimum score or level of achievement is needed to graduate. However, the outcome of the test affects the College’s funding. Additionally, the value of your degree in the community is directly related to how Northeast State ranks in meeting its educational objectives, so please put forth your best effort. For more information, please call 423.354.5358 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building.

Also, students in certain academic programs must complete an additional exam related to their major in order to graduate. It is called a major field test exam. Students are notified by email if this requirement applies to them. Please contact the academic division office for your major and ask about the major field test for more information.

Finance and Administration (Room P316, Blountville) – The Office of Finance and Administration leads, plans, directs, and coordinates the College’s finance, information technology, human resources, plant operations, police and security support services. These services include Fiscal Services and Accounting, Budgeting and Purchasing, Human Resources, Plant Operations, Police and Security, Information Technology, and Auxiliary Services. For more information, please call 423.354.2412 or email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building.

Financial Aid (Room C2402, Blountville) –The goal of the Financial Aid Office is to ensure students have access to all available resources for financing their education. We strive to provide students with accurate, confidential, and timely information in a courteous, respectful environment. We collaborate with other offices at the college to support students holistically in their academic and personal endeavors. We work hard to ensure students receive the maximum amount of aid they qualify for. For more information, please call 423.323.0252 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building on the Blountville campus.

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G - I

Graduation Honors (Room P205G, Blountville) – Students receiving associate degrees with final cumulative grade point averages of 3.9 to 4.0 will be awarded Summa Cum Laude (Highest Honors). Those with final cumulative grade point averages of 3.75 to 3.89 will be awarded Magna Cum Laude (High Honors). Graduates with final cumulative grade point averages of 3.5 to 3.74 will be awarded Cum Laude (Honors). Learning Support grade point averages will not count toward the calculation of either semester or graduation honors. Northeast State has two commencement ceremonies per year, one at the end of the spring semester and one at the end of the fall semester. Graduation honors for spring commencement are calculated at the end of the fall semester, and graduation honors for fall commencement are calculated at the end of the summer semester. The graduation honors designation will be included in the graduation program, ceremony, and all news releases concerning graduation. For more information, please call 423.354.2419 or email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building.

Graduation Information (Room P205D, Blountville) – Students who wish to graduate from Northeast State must complete and send the Application for Graduation to the Admissions and Records Office. You may go online to submit the Application for Graduation. Please see the Proficiency Profile/Exit Exam Testing Web page for information about the exit exam. Also, select students must complete required competency exams in specific academic majors. Students in these majors will be notified about specific testing requirements. Students only receiving a certificate do not take the exam. Students graduating in the spring and summer (if they apply by the deadline) semesters will attend the commencement exercises in May. Students graduating in the summer and fall semesters will attend commencement exercises in December. Students completing degree/certificate requirements at the end of the fall semester will receive their diplomas in January. Students completing graduation requirements at the end of the spring semester will receive their diplomas in June. Students completing graduation requirements at the end of the summer semester will receive their diplomas in September. For more information, please call 423.354.2419 or email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building.

Health and Wellness (Room C2101, Blountville) – Health and Wellness programming provides informational resources to the campus community on all matters related to health promotion, wellness, and primary preventions that encourage lifelong physical and emotional well-being. Awareness campaigns and events are sponsored by several College departments throughout the year. For more information, please call 423.354.2587 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building or go online to Heath and Wellness.

Health Professions Division (300 West Main St., Kingsport) – The Division of Health Professions provides instruction in Cardiovascular Technology, Dental Assisting, Emergency Medical Technician, Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic, Medical Laboratory Technology, Nursing, Radiologic Technology, and Surgical Technology, which prepares students to function in the role of a specialized healthcare provider. Completing these programs enables students to take certification and/or licensure examinations required in these healthcare fields.

The Division offers the Associate of Applied Science Degrees in Dental Assisting, Cardiovascular Technology, with Invasive and Non-Invasive options, Paramedic, Medical Laboratory Technology, Nursing with Traditional and LPN to RN options, Radiologic Technology, and Surgical Technology. In addition, students can obtain a Technical Certificate in Dental Assisting, Emergency Medical Technician, Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, or Paramedic.

The Associate of Applied Science in Nursing Degree prepares individuals to become Registered Nurses. After completing the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing Degree, individuals are qualified to take the National Council Licensing Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) following approval by the State Board of Nursing. Upon successful completion of the NCLEX-RN, one holds the title of a Registered Nurse (RN) and may enter the healthcare industry as an RN. For more information on the Nursing Program, please call 423.354.5108 or email

For more information on the Health Professions Division, please call 423.323.0238 or email Visit the Division Office location in the Regional Center for Health Professions (RCHP), 300 W. Main Street in downtown Kingsport.

High School Programs (HSP) (Room HH103 and C1102, Blountville) – Northeast State’s High School Programs Office provides various early postsecondary opportunities to high school students in the College’s service area. Dual enrollment coursework allows students to earn high school credit and college credit at the same time. Eligible students may enroll in general education classes designed for transfer to other colleges and often satisfy specific high school graduation requirements. Students may also enroll in coursework that is part of various Associate of Applied Science degree programs. HSP also offers local dual credit opportunities to partnering high schools. Additionally, HSP fosters relationships with service area high schools by hosting High School Transitions Council Meetings and Career Day activities at the College.

HSP facilitates Middle College programs within the College’s service area. The Middle College is a program of study offered in partnership with a local education agency/high school that allows students to earn both a high school diploma and an associate degree on high school graduation. The courses/programs are taught by qualified postsecondary faculty members or by qualified high school teachers serving as adjunct faculty members for the College. For more information on these programs or services, please call 423.354.5186 or email

Honors Institute (Room L303A, Blountville) – The Honors Institute, Northeast State's academic honors program, stimulates and encourages academic excellence and intellectual growth. It strives to bring together dedicated faculty and highly motivated students who are committed to the finest qualities of scholarship. The program is open to new and currently enrolled students who meet eligibility requirements. Course offerings are listed in the semester schedule under the Honors heading. For more information, please call 423.354.2596 or email Visit the office in the Basler Library or online at Honors Program.

Humanities Division (Room H129, Blountville) – The Division of Humanities provides University Parallel programs designed to transfer to senior institutions and provides general education courses required in both university parallel programs and in selected technical education academic programs. The Division provides instruction in English, Foreign Languages, Humanities (Music, Art, Digital Media, Philosophy, and Humanities), History, and Theatre. Courses in these academic disciplines are designed to offer students a common set of learning experiences that enhance their ability to function effectively in an increasingly complex society. For more information, please call 423.323.0218 or email Visit the office in the Locke Humanities Building.

Human Resources (Rooms P308, P310, and P311, Blountville) – Human Resources supports Northeast State’s faculty, staff, and students with various personnel-related services. The office staff offer courteous and professional assistance. HR is happy to help individuals with any employment-related items. HR focuses on advancing institutional priorities by partnering with Northeast State's leadership to create a high-performance work environment characterized by fair treatment of all, open communication, personal accountability, trust, and mutual respect. Contact the HR office at 423.354.2589, visit the website at Human Resources, or email Visit the office locations in the Pierce Administration Building.

Hybrid Courses (Room HH100, Blountville) – College-credit hybrid courses allow students some of the convenience of an online course while offering more time in class with the instructor. For more information, please call 423.323.0221 or email

Institutional Excellence and Student Success (Room C2201, Blountville) – Institutional Excellence and Student Success helps students begin and succeed in their academic and life pursuits. Student learning does not just happen in a classroom. Opportunities for teaching and development exist everywhere and at all times on campus. The job of the Institutional Excellence and Student Success staff is to capture these opportunities by fostering and promoting positive interactions. Staff members encourage understanding and respect, sustain a belief in the worth of each individual, and support students in their educational endeavors. Student Success personnel advocate for each student at NeSCC by promoting access to college and community resources. The Office of the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success administers the unit. Student Success Divisions within the unit are Research, Analytics, and Planning; Enrollment Services; and Student Engagement and Success. For more information, please call 423.354.2529 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building.

Institutional Honors (Room C2108, Blountville) – Recognizing significant milestones and celebrating accomplishments are important aspects of the educational experience at Northeast State. The College administers and awards various Institutional Honors to students that reflect their commitment to excellence in academics and service. Honors Convocation is held annually in April. Awards for outstanding students in each academic program area and the overall Northeast State Outstanding Student Award are announced during Honors Convocation. In addition, students who have contributed significantly to various programs and student organizations are honored. For more information, please call 423.323.0210, email , or visit the office in the General Studies Building.

Institutional Standing Committees (Room C1107, Blountville) – Northeast State students serve on various institutional standing and ad hoc committees that advise, recommend policy, generate new programs, or assess existing programs at the College. These committees are advisory rather than directive. The Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success appoints students to these committees. For more information, please call 423.354.2416 or email

Insurance (Room C2101, Blountville) – Students are encouraged to obtain student health and accident insurance. Information on the Student Health Insurance Exchange is available at Student Health Insurance. For more information, please call 423.354.2587 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building.

International Education (Room H133, Blountville) – Northeast State’s International Education program promotes cultural awareness with an emphasis on campus globalization, facilitating student success, and supporting professional development related to international. In addition to on-campus activities, International Education programming may include linking community international activities with the College and facilitating in-country study away trips. For more information, please email or visit the website at International Education.

International Student Admissions (Room P203, Blountville) – Northeast State is authorized to enroll nonimmigrant alien students on “F-1” student visas under federal law. An international student must apply to the College, meet the admission requirements for international students, and contact the Designated School Official (DSO) before issuing an I-20. The deadlines for admission are July 15 for Fall admission and November 15 for Spring admission. All international students must pay out-of-state tuition and must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours. Three of those credit hours may be online course work. For more information, please email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building.

IT Help Desk (Room P216A, Blountville, or Room RCHP153, Kingsport) – Two Client Services support centers exist to help students. One is found on the Blountville campus, and the other is at Northeast State at Kingsport. Kingsport campus staff primarily support Northeast State’s downtown Kingsport operations. The Blountville campus center supports operations in Blountville and at all other campus sites. For more information, please call 423.354.5122 or email (Blountville) or call 423.354.5510 or email (Kingsport). Visit the office locations in the Pierce Administration Building (Blountville) or the Regional Center for Health Professions (Kingsport) or go online to the Help Desk.

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J - M

J. Allen Hurley Wellness Trail (Blountville) – The J. Allen Hurley Wellness Trail winds .7 miles around the north end of the Blountville campus. The trail takes you through a developing arboretum, a natural growth area home to dozens of plants, wildlife, and newly planted and old-growth trees. Trail walkers may spot birds, squirrels, or other wildlife frolicking. For more information, email

Kingsport Center for Higher Education (KCHE) (Room KCHE101, Kingsport) – The Kingsport Center for Higher Education (KCHE) offers core classes and prerequisite classes for degree and certificate programs from Northeast State and select baccalaureate and graduate degrees from participating universities, as well. You can complete an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science Degree (University Parallel Program) and transfer directly into one of the senior institutions housed in the KCHE. For more information, please call 423.354.5521 or email Visit the KCHE at 300 W. Market Street, Kingsport.

Lactation Rooms - Northeast State provides Lactation Rooms at the following campuses: Blountville, Elizabethton, Gray, and Kingsport. These spaces are for faculty, staff, students, and visitors. The secure, clean, lockable, private rooms contact a soft seated chair, hand sanitizer, wipes, trash can, and refrigerator. Please contact the person listed for each campus to schedule.

  • Blountville – HH 212, Contact: Tracy Barry
  • Gray – G 119B, Contact: Jennifer Puckett
  • Kingsport – RCHP 148, Contact:  Deborah Lawson
  • Elizabethton – E 118A, Contact: Amy Drinnon

LEAD Center (A208, Blountville) - The Center for Leadership, Enrichment, Access, and Discovery, or LEAD Center, supports student success by offering innovative programs, services, and partnerships that foster leadership, academic achievement, and self-discovery. Visit the center’s location in the Student Services Building, the LEAD Center website, call 423.354.5206, or email for more information.

Leadership Programs (Room C1107, Blountville) – Student Life and Engagement staff coordinates leadership development opportunities that engage students with the campus and their communities. Programs include those related to student government, organizations, and clubs. For more information or if you are interested in developing your leadership skills or learning more about how leadership works, please call 423.354.2416 or email

The Learning Center (TLC) (Room L103, Blountville) – The Learning Center is a drop-in tutoring center that offers free tutoring in most subjects, and helps with basic computer skills and online resources. Tutoring is available for select courses at the Blountville, Elizabethton, and Kingsport campuses. For more information, please call 423.354.5112 or email Visit the Center’s location on the first floor of the Basler Library.

Learning Support Program (Room HH234, Blountville) – The Learning Support Program is designed to meet the educational needs of under-prepared students and to provide instruction in English, mathematics, and reading to prepare students for college-level work. For more information, please call 423.323.0219 or email Visit the office in Lana Hamilton Hall.

Library (Basler Library, Blountville) – The Wayne G. Basler Library provides a variety of materials and services for educational purposes, research and reference interests, career studies, personal enrichment, and recreational enjoyment for students, faculty, staff, and the community. Reference Librarians are available to help with research in person, by telephone, online chat, text message, or email. The Library offers a collection of over 70,000 print volumes, a fully automated public access/online catalog, access to over 100 research databases, over 500,000 eBooks and streaming videos, computers available for student use, reservable study rooms, a children’s reading area, and access to the campus wireless Internet service. In addition, through the online catalog, library materials can be sent to students, faculty, and staff at all campus sites. Also, a learning resource center in room KCHE331 at the Kingsport campus has a collection of materials and staff to help students with learning and accessing Library resources. The Basler Library also takes part in an interlibrary loan system. It has borrowing agreements with many libraries to provide access to resources unavailable on campus. When classes are in session during the spring and fall semesters, the Library hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For more information, please call 423.354.2429. Visit the Basler Library online at

Mathematics Division (Room HH234, Blountville) – The Mathematics Division offers courses in Mathematics and Pre-Engineering. Curriculum guides are available for students who plan to transfer to a four-year school and complete a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Industrial Technology, Surveying and Mapping, Accounting, or Business Administration. Faculty advisors help students with planning to complete a transfer program in any of these areas and students who plan to complete a University Parallel-General major. Learning Support mathematics courses prepare students for college-level mathematics. For more information, please call 423.323.0219 or email Visit the office in Lana Hamilton Hall.

Mascot (Room P204, Blountville) – Northeast State’s mascot, J. P. Bear, is named after Northeast State’s founding President, James M. Pierce. Requests for appearances by J. P. should be received at least three weeks before the event. Submitting a request does not guarantee an appearance. Admissions and Records should be given three days prior notice if an appearance must be canceled. Due to College events, academics, and time restrictions, mascot appearances at outside events are only available on a limited basis. For more information or to request an appearance by J. P., please call 423.323.0253 or email

Multi-Campus Programs (Room HH100, Blountville) – The Multi-Campus Programs division offers quality higher education programs. It provides opportunities for lifelong learning through evening classes, distance education, and dual enrollment. The Division of Multi-Campus Programs facilitates services for the evening students and faculty on the Blountville campus. The College also offers classes at campuses in Elizabethton, Gray, and Kingsport as well as at the Aviation Center, located beside the Blountville campus. Dual enrollment classes are also offered at high schools within the region. The Multi-Campus Programs division office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

MyNE(formerly MyNortheast) (Room P218D, Blountville) – MyNE is the College’s online student information portal. Features include links to access Brightspace (D2L), Northeast State Email, Office 365, Degree Works, and Student Self-Service tools through the My.Northeast link. For more information, please call 423.354.2492 or email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building or go online to access MyNE

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N - R

New Student Orientation (NSO) (Room C1107, Blountville) – College orientation allows new students an opportunity to visit their campus, learn more about what the school offers and provide chances to connect with other students. During orientation, students get acclimated to the campus, and its student support services, and learn about available resources. For more information, please call 423.354.2416 or email

For more information, please call 423.354.2416 or email

Northeast State at Elizabethton (Main Office, Elizabethton) – Northeast State at Elizabethton provides enhanced access to the College’s programs and services for the citizens of Carter, Johnson, and Unicoi counties. Specialized courses in continuing education can be tailored to meet the community’s needs. For more information, please call 423.547.8450 or email Visit the office at 386 Highway 91 N, Elizabethton.

Northeast State at Gray (120 Dillon Court, Gray) – The Gray campus is conveniently located one mile from I-26 and just two minutes away from the heart of Gray. The site offers academic courses for University Parallel programs and dual enrollment/dual credit courses for high school students. The site is also an ideal location for hosting specialized industry training and continuing education to meet the needs of our community. For more information, please call 423. 354.5312, email, or visit the main office, G111.

Northeast State at Kingsport (222 W. Main Street, Kingsport) – Northeast State at Kingsport is the center for higher education and workforce development in downtown Kingsport and consists of Blazier-Wilson Hall/Student and Community Services, the Regional Center for Health Professions, the Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing, the Kingsport Center for Higher Education, and the Pal Barger Regional Center for Automotive Programs. These facilities provide curriculum and training for health-related and nursing programs, advanced manufacturing and technology, business technology, University Parallel programs designed for transfer to partnering institutions, and auto body technology programs, as well as student and community support services. For more information, please call 423.354.2530 or email

Northeast State Foundation (Room P307B, Blountville) – The Northeast State Foundation was founded in 1986. The purpose of the Foundation is to support academic, community service, educational scholarships, and other programs offered by the College. As the College's fundraising entity, the Foundation generates and receives gifts and donations in support of College programs. For more information, please call 423.279.7630 or email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building.

Online Classes (Room HH100, Blountville) – Northeast State's regular schedule of classes includes Internet courses that allows students to complete all or part of their coursework via the Internet. Classes may meet only at selected times in a synchronous format throughout the semester or be delivered wholly online with no on-ground meetings. Proctored on-ground tests are required in some disciplines. To complete all requirements for these courses, students must be able to access the Internet through the College's facilities or by securing access on their own. For more information, please call 423.323.0221.

Peer Mentoring Program (Room L303, Blountville) – Northeast State Peer Mentoring is designed to provide students with one-on-one support during their time at Northeast State. We pair incoming freshmen, dual enrollment, and returning students who want additional support with successful second-year students. Our mentors offer personalized social and academic support to each mentee. Our mentors also actively offer tutoring in statistics (MATH 1530) and writing (ENGL 1010). Our program outcomes collected at the end of each semester indicate that students who are active participants surpass the program goal of an average 2.0 GPA. overall and for both MATH 1530 and ENGL 1010.  For program information on Peer Mentoring, please call 423.354.5356 or email

Physical Education Classroom (Room D192, Blountville) – The Physical Education Classroom provides an environment where students may acquire behaviors conducive to developing healthy lifestyles. The Physical Education staff is committed to a campus culture that promotes wellness through healthy lifestyles that enrich students' quality of life. With instructor supervision, exercise equipment is available for students enrolled in Physical Education courses.

Policy and Compliance (Room P313, Blountville) – The Title IX Coordinator develops and implements programs and services that ensure the College observes all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The office is also responsible for coordinating College-wide training on Title VI, Title IX, ADA, and other related topics for faculty, staff, and students. For more information, please call 423.354.5296 or email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building or go online to Policy and Compliance.

President’s Office (Room P301, Blountville) – The Office of the President provides leadership for the College and each major unit and sub-unit. In assuming responsibility for the efficient and effective operation of the College, the Office of the President addresses all directives of the Board and the Chancellor. Consistent with policies of the Tennessee Board of Regents, the Office exercises authority relative to all personnel matters and provides leadership to the faculty, staff, and students in establishing a shared vision, mission, and values reflecting the College community’s aspirations, values, and principles. Through the College's comprehensive strategic planning and continuous improvement process, the Office provides leadership in establishing and addressing institutional priorities and assessing institutional effectiveness. In addition to serving as a resource for internal constituencies, the Office of the President also represents the College at community/civic functions. The President serves as a liaison with various business and industry, governmental, and community organizations. For more information, please call 423.279.7633/423.323.0201 or email or Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building.

Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing (RCAM) (RCAM Lobby, Kingsport) – The purpose of the Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing (RCAM) is to serve as the advanced manufacturing outreach arm of Northeast State. RCAM focuses on building the 21st-century workforce by supporting existing regional manufacturers, developing a pipeline of skilled workers, and facilitating economic development. RCAM provides both credit and continuing education options. Credit courses may be used to fulfill requirements for Associate of Applied Science Degrees and/or Technical Certificate programs offered in the following areas: Chemical Process Operations, Electromechanical Technology, Electrical Technology, and Welding/Metal Fabrication. Continuing education options include the NeSCC sponsored Mechatronics apprenticeship, Machinist Apprenticeship, Carpentry Apprenticeship, Metal Building Apprenticeship, Industrial Manufacturing Associate Apprenticeship, Maintenance Technician, Project Management Apprenticeship and the MSSC Certified Production Technician (CPT), and the MSSC Certified Logistics Technician programs (CLT), National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER), OSHA 10, and OSHA 30.

RCAM also includes RCAM Academy at Northeast State. Regional high school students can take advantage of increased opportunities to gain college credit during their junior and senior years. Along with the added capacity, RCAM has added a full suite of advanced precision machine tools to the lineup. For more information on RCAM programs and services, please call 423.354.5149 or email Visit the RCAM at 305 W. Main Street, Kingsport.

Regional Center for Automotive Programs (RCAP) (Room RCAP107, Kingsport) – The Pal Barger Regional Center for Automotive Programs (RCAP) offers auto body/collision repair programs to prepare individuals to repair a modern automobile that has been involved in a major or minor collision. Students can repair and replace front-end components, body components, doors, frames, and underbody subsystems. For more information, please call 423.354.5211 or 423.354.2530 or email Visit the RCAP located at 337 W. Center Street, Kingsport.

Regional Center for Health Professions (RCHP) (300 West Main St., Kingsport) – The Regional Center for Health Professions (RCHP) houses Northeast State’s Health Professions Division. For more information, please call 423.54.5108 or email Visit the RCHP located at 300 W. Main Street in downtown Kingsport.

Reporting Behaviors of Concern (Room C2110, Blountville) – Northeast State encourages all college community members to report behaviors of concern. Such notifications will enable the College to intervene, offer campus and community resources referrals, and identify patterns or systematic misconduct-related problems. Northeast State has developed an online mechanism to report behaviors of concern in addition to direct reports to the Northeast State Police Department. The Report Behaviors of Concern online system is designed to enable students, faculty, and staff to voluntarily report behaviors of concern and incidents of misconduct. Behaviors affecting an individual’s well-being, the well-being of others, or campus welfare may be referred to the College’s Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (BITA) Committee. For more information, please call 423.323.0229, email, or visit the office in the General Studies Building. Additional information may be found by visiting the Be Safe website.

Research, Analytics, and Planning (Room HH211, Blountville) – Research, Analytics, and Planning (RAP) helps the College’s institutional planning and assessment processes and conducts institutional research in support of the College’s continuous improvement efforts. The RAP office also supports accreditation and compliance initiatives, data-informed decision-making, and external accountability reporting. For more information, please contact Dr. Becky Thomas at 423.354.2445, or email

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S - U

Scholarship Programs (Room C2113, Blountville) – Scholarship Programs creates, promotes, and administers scholarship opportunities for students while offering a range of services to enhance the scholar’s collegiate experience. Students are identified for campus scholarship programs and provided individual mentoring to produce competitive applications. The office of Scholarship Programs works closely with the Northeast State Foundation to support academic, community service, educational scholarship, and other programs offered by the College. This includes sponsoring the Northeast State Scholars Foundation. The Scholars Foundation supports the activities of the Northeast State Foundation through student-driven initiatives that promote private giving and service learning. For more information, please call 423.354.2507 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building.

Science Division (Room B108, Blountville) – The Science Division provides instruction in Agriculture, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science, and Health-Related Pre-Professional Programs. Courses offered by the Division are designed to fulfill the general education course requirements in technical and health-related programs and to prepare students in the University Parallel program for transfer to four-year colleges and universities. For more information, please call 423.354.2508 or email Visit the office in the Powers Mathematics/Science Building.

Severe Weather Shelter Area Information (Room A103B, Blountville) – Building occupants should get to the ground floor of any building during a severe weather warning. Interior rooms with no glass are the preferred areas to relocate. Interior hallways can be used. Recommended locations that can be used for severe weather are clearly designated with a Severe Weather Shelter Area sign. For more information, please call 423.354.5224 or email Visit the office in the Student Services Building.

Sexual Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy Information (Room P313, Blountville) – Northeast State strives to maintain an environment that is free of intimidation and encourages the education of students to their fullest extent. Therefore, the College will not tolerate acts or threats of acts of sexual assault, physical assault, or any violence. Northeast State’s institutional policy on Sexual Misconduct is 03:01:08.

Anyone who is a victim of sexual assault should immediately contact the Northeast State Police Department or the College’s Title IX Coordinator. At Northeast State, the College’s Assistant Director of Policy and Compliance is the Title IX Coordinator. Reporting such an assault does not mean the victim must press charges or take the incident to criminal court. The reporting does establish a record of the incident for possible Timely Warning/Emergency Notification alerts to the campus community. In a case of sexual assault, the victim should make every effort to preserve evidence at the scene of the crime and compose an accurate description of the events leading up to and during the attack.

Students involved in sexual abuse or violent situations are encouraged to seek assistance for a referral from the Northeast State Police Department, Counseling Services, or Equity and Compliance personnel. Students who are victims of sexual assault may need off-campus counseling and assistance. The following organization partners with Northeast State to provide referral assistance and campus-wide awareness programs:

Branch House
313 Foothills Drive
Blountville, TN 37617
423.574.7233 (Office) 

Additional resources available for victims of sexual violence and domestic violence include:

National Sexual Assault 24-Hour Hotline
1.800.656.HOPE (4673)

National Domestic Violence 24-Hour Hotline
1.800.799.SAFE (7233)

A Northeast State professional staff member is available to help students navigate Financial Aid status changes that may result from being a victim of sexual violence. Call 423.323.0233 for help.

Help for immigrants who may fear removal from the United States if they report being a victim of a crime is available. Federal laws include protections for legal and undocumented immigrants who have been victimized. Contact the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to speak with law enforcement officials or representatives of record at 802.527.4888 or call 1.800.375.5283 for other inquiries.

For more information, please call 423.354.5296 or email Visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building or go online to this page for additional information.

SkillsUSA® (Room TEC223, Blountville) – SkillsUSA® is a national membership association serving students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical, and skilled service occupations (including health occupations) and for further education. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. This partnership offers local, state, and national opportunities for students to improve the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce by developing Framework skills that include personal, workplace, and technical skills grounded in academics. These three components comprise the SkillsUSA Framework, a blueprint for career readiness. At the SkillsUSA Championships, over 6,000 students compete in 130 occupational and leadership skill areas each June. These national technical competitions help establish industry standards for job skill training and entry-level workers. SkillsUSA is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a successful model of employer-driven youth development training. SkillsUSA is open to new and currently enrolled students who meet program eligibility requirements. For more information, please call 423.354.2426 or email Visit the office in the Technical Education Building. 

Sponsored Programs and Strategic Initiatives (Room P317, Blountville) – The purpose of the Sponsored Programs and Strategic Initiatives Office is to advance innovation that supports the mission and goals of Northeast State by providing institutional leadership, oversight, and support for the cultivation of external funding opportunities, proposal development, and grants management and compliance. For more information, please call 423.354.5170, email, or visit the office in the Pierce Administration Building.

Student Advocacy Programs (Room C2101, Blountville) – Student Advocacy Programs comprise Counseling Services and CCAMPIS Offices along with health and wellness services. The division serves students in a variety of ways by assisting eligible students with childcare subsidies and supporting the mental and physical well-being of students. Student Advocacy provides services to students on all campuses and telehealth and Zoom options are available for online students. For more information, please call 423.354.2587, email, or visit the office in the General Studies Building.

Student Activity Fee (Room C2201, Blountville) – Student activity fees support student-centered programming and are disbursed based on current revenues, student impact, and the mission of the College. Additional guidelines regulating the use of these funds are found in NeSCC Policy 03:04:00. For more information, please call 423.354.2529 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building.

Student Comments (Room C2110, Blountville) – Northeast State encourages students to comment on their experiences at the College responsibly. These comments may include complaints, compliments, or suggestions for improving College services. Comments help the College administration improve processes, pinpoint problems, eliminate waste, plan for strategic growth, or recognize outstanding personnel and programs. A final grade appeal is possible when a student believes they have received an incorrect final grade. For more information, please call 423.323.0229 or email, or visit the office in the General Studies Building office. To provide a student comment, please see Student Comments.

Student Conduct (Room C2110, Blountville) –As voluntary members of the College Community, students are expected to act with civility toward others in the community. Institutional disciplinary measures shall be imposed, through appropriate due procedures, for the conduct that adversely affects the College’s pursuit of its educational objectives, which violates or shows a disregard for the rights of other members of the academic community, or which endangers property or persons on property owned or controlled by Northeast State. The Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Services investigates complaints. For more information, please call 423.323.0229, email, or visit the office in the General Studies Building. Review the Student Code of Conduct online here.

Student Consumer Information (Room HH211B, Blountville) – The Higher Education Opportunity Act requires colleges and universities taking part in federal student aid programs to make certain information easily available to consumers. Northeast State has compiled this information in compliance with federal law at Higher Education Act Student Consumer Information. For more information, please call 423.354.5375 or email Visit the office in Lana Hamilton Hall.

Student Engagement and Success – (Room C2108, Blountville) – Student Engagement and Success is comprised of the offices of Accessibility Services, Advising Resource Center, Counseling Services, CCAMPIS, Student Life and Engagement Student Outreach and Engagement, Peer Mentoring, The Learning Center (TLC), and TRiO. The division’s purpose is to deliver timely, accurate, and high-quality services to facilitate and support student retention, and graduation. For more information, please call 423.323.0210, email, or visit the office in the General Studies Building.  

Student Handbook (Room C2201, Blountville) – The Student Handbook, issued by the Office of the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success, is published online as the College’s notification of regulations that affect student life. While every effort is made to provide current and accurate information, these regulations are subject to change at any time by Northeast State or the Tennessee Board of Regents. Sections are the "Guide to Campus Resources" (which includes the Campus Information and Services Directory, Institutional Policy Statements, and Sanctioned Organizations, Clubs, and Programs) and "Student Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures" (which includes Campus Safety and Security, Computer Resources, Grading System, Guests on Campus, Student Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions, Student Fees, Student Organizations and Clubs, Student Right to Know, Student Travel, Student Use of Campus Property and Facilities, Traffic and Parking Regulations, and Tuition Payments and Refunds). The Student Handbook is available online within the College’s Catalog

Student Information Center (Room P201, Blountville) – The Student Information Center is centrally located in the Pierce Administration Building Lobby.  It provides general information to students, visitors, and employees of the College. The Center can be reached by calling 423.323.3191 or 800.836.7822. Visit the Center’s location in the Pierce Administration Building.

Student Life and Engagement (Room C1107, Blountville) – Student Life and Engagement promotes and supports co-curricular campus activities and leadership development opportunities that enhance students’ collegiate experience. For more information, please call 423.354.2416 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building.

Student Outreach and Engagement (SOE) (Room C2107, Blountville) – The Office of Student Outreach and Engagement (SOE) provides a student-centered approach to support Northeast State students' non-academic and socioeconomic needs and barriers, connecting them to appropriate campus and community resources. They oversee the Student Needs Project (SNP), which focuses on resource development, career clothing, food security, transportation, student emergency funds, and student referrals. A listing of community resources in the College’s service area is also available online. For more information, please call 423.354.5235 or email

In addition to its student emergency programs, community outreach, and resources, SOE oversees Northeast State's student success help centers, called The Bear Dens.

Success Coach Program (Room C2301, Blountville) – A Success Coach is a professional staff member who provides a broad range of services to students to help them be successful in college.  They monitor a student's progression, provide connections to support services and help students develop plans and strategies to be successful.  In some cases, they may provide academic advising and registration assistance.  To contact a Success Coach, please call 423.354.5274 or 423.354.5187 or email or

Technologies Division (Room TEC107 & TEC102, Blountville) – Technical programs provide academic curricula designed for students who wish to enter occupational career fields in business, industry, or government immediately after graduation. The division provides instruction in Aviation Technology; Electrical Technology with concentrations in Electrical and Electromechanical; General Technology; and Industrial Technology with concentrations in Automotive Body/Collision Repair, Automotive Service, Engineering Design Technology, Machine Tool, Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Mechanical, Motor Sports, and Welding/Metal Fabrication. Several related certificates are offered, too. The division also oversees the Aviation Center, which houses the College’s aviation-related programs. For more information, please call 423.279.7639 or email or Within the Technologies Division, the purpose of Business Technologies programs is to provide academic curricula designed for students who desire to enter career fields in business, industry, or government immediately after graduation and to prepare students in Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Finance, Management, and Marketing university parallel programs for transfer to four-year colleges and universities. The division provides instruction in Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) Degree programs in Administrative Professional Technology with concentrations in Business Office, Legal Office, and Medical Office; A.A.S. in Business with concentrations in Accounting, Management, and Small Business Management; A.A.S. in Computer and Information Sciences with concentrations in Programming, Cyber Defense, Systems Administration and Management, Networking, and Mobile Technologies; and A.A.S. in Entertainment Technology with a concentration in Sound and Lighting. The division also offers instruction for Certificates in Accounting, Customer Service and Sales, Entrepreneurship, Office Technology, and Sound and Lighting. For more information, please call 423.354.2420 or email or Visit the office locations in the Technical Education Building.

Tennessee Promise (Room C2402, Blountville) –Through Tennessee Promise, graduating high school seniors are eligible to earn an associate degree or certificate free of tuition and mandatory fees. Tennessee Promise covers required tuition and fees after Pell (federal) and other state aid (except for loans and work-study) have been applied. It does not cover all costs, such as books, lab fees, TN eCampus fees, and/or standard cost of attendance fees, including travel and gas expenses. Eligibility criteria and deadlines apply. For more information, please call 423.323.0252 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building or go online to Tennessee Promise.

Tennessee Reconnect Adult Scholarship Program (Room P203A, Blountville) – Tennessee Reconnect is the Drive to 55 initiative that helps adults enter higher education to gain new skills, advance in the workplace, and fulfill lifelong dreams of completing a degree or credential. For more information, please call 423.354.2481 or email Visit the office at the Blountville Campus or go online to Tennessee Reconnect.

Testing Services (Room C2301, Blountville) – Testing Services coordinates the administration of the College's testing program. The College’s testing program includes as an option for students placed into Learning Support co-requisite English, reading, and/or math courses. Once regularly admitted at Northeast State, students may take the A2 Nursing Assessment, a make-up exam, and/or proctored TN eCampus midterm and final exams in one of the Testing Centers. One of the final stops for graduates is Testing Services, as well, since graduates earning an associate degree take the Territorium® Proficiency Profile/Exit Exam. Testing Services is an approved testing center for the ACT NCRC® WorkKeys, CLEP® and Praxis® for students and anyone in the College’s five-county service area. Varying proctor fees apply for some tests. Please check the website for more specific information about fees, Testing Services. For more information, please call 423.354.5358 or email . Visit the office in the General Studies Building.

Theatrical Activities (Room D181, Blountville) – Theatrical Activities at Northeast State serve to identify, plan, coordinate, and present a series of dramatic performances each year. The performances are full-length productions that are open to the public. While the theatre program has a student-first policy when casting productions, community members are encouraged to audition and are often cast in the shows. For more information, please call 423.354.2563 or email Visit the office in the Ballad Health Center for the Performing Arts.

TN eCampus - Online Courses (Room C2111, Blountville) – Northeast State and the other Tennessee Board of Regents higher education institutions have joined with six state universities to offer TN eCampus online courses. TN eCampus course schedules are designed in interactive asynchronous formats (students will not meet with instructors). Student services are available to TN eCampus students. Technical support for accessing course lessons and assignments is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. TN eCampus courses are entirely online, except for some proctored tests, and are transferable among all the participating institutions. For more information, please call 423.323.0214 or email TN eCampus academic calendars are available at

Traffic and Parking Regulations (Room C2401 or A101, Blountville) – The Northeast State Police Department facilitates orderly and efficient traffic flow on Northeast State’s campuses. The College’s Traffic and Parking Regulations provide a safe atmosphere for pedestrians and motor vehicle operators and provide order concerning parking within limited space. For more information, please call 423.323.0255 or email Visit the Northeast State Police Department in the General Studies Building or in the Student Services Building.

TRiO (Room C2428, Blountville) – TRiO helps first-generation, and/or low-income, and/or students with documented disabilities in successfully beginning and completing college. Qualifying participants receive individualized career, academic, and transfer advising; tutoring; financial literacy information; mentoring; and cultural events/college trip opportunities. All services are geared toward helping students achieve their goals of college completion. All program services are FREE to qualifying participants.

For more information, please call 423.323.0216 or email Visit any of the three campus TRiO locations:

  • Room C2428 of the General Studies Building on the Blountville campus
  • Room E116 at Northeast State at Elizabethton
  • Room KCHE208 at the Kingsport Center for Higher Education

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V - Z

Veteran & Military Center (Room N108, Blountville, and Room BWH129, Kingsport) – The Northeast State Vet Center supports the transition from military to civilian life for our military-affiliated students by providing a network of services designed to improve academic success. The Vet Center acts as a central gathering place for student veterans and family members to relax and interact with each other. The Vet Center is accessible during business hours. It is open to student veterans and dependents registered with the Veteran & Military Student Success Center.

Tips for Eligible Students:

  • Certification and Deferment Forms must be submitted each semester before your courses can be certified by the VA.
  • Approved Courses. Very important! Follow DegreeWorks to ensure that all courses you take (including electives) are required for your intended major.
  • Register Early! This helps the VA to pay you promptly.
  • Questions? If you have any questions or concerns about your benefits, please ask!

For more information, please call 423.354.5305 or email

Veteran & Military Lounge (Room N108, Blountville and Room BWH129, Kingsport) – A space designed for Active Duty, Veterans, and their families. This space is only accessed by those with a military affiliation. The perfect place to study, relax, and get to know the other Veterans and military-connected students at NESCC.

Veteran & Military Student Success Center (Room N111, Blountville) – The Veteran & Military Student Success Center serves the educational needs of prospective and enrolled service persons, veterans, their dependents/survivors, and other persons eligible to receive education benefits under various Department of Veterans Affairs programs. We strive to administer these programs exemplarily by providing program information, certifying eligible students, and serving as a liaison between students and the VA. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Veteran & Military Study Center (Room N102, Blountville) – Fully-equipped study center that offers four computer stations, free printing, and a meeting place for study groups and group projects. For more information, please call 423.354.3327 or email

Voter Registration (Room C1107, Blountville) – Students may register to vote or update their voter registration information by visiting the State of Tennessee’s GoVoteTN website at This site has links to the Voter Registration Application and each county election commission. Voter Registration Applications must be downloaded from the site and mailed to the specific county election commission. Paper copies of the Voter Registration Application are available in Student Life and Engagement. For more information, please call 423.354.2416 or email Visit the office in the General Studies Building.

Weather-Related Information (Room C2401 or A101, Blountville) – For the most current information about weather-related class cancellations and/or campus closings, please check the Northeast State website. Students can also sign up for the NeSCC Alert system and receive notifications via email and/or text message. Students may also check local TV and radio stations for announcements. When weather conditions are questionable, but classes are not canceled, students should consider safety a primary factor in determining attendance. For more information, please call 423.323.0255 or email Visit the Northeast State Police Department in the General Studies Building or in the Student Services Building or go online to Weather Information to view a list of related terms and of the radio and television stations that will air announcements.

Wireless Access – All users with an active Northeast State network account may access the College’s public wireless network via their personal devices. Your Northeast State user ID and password are needed to access the public wireless network. Detailed instructions for connecting to the wireless network are available on our IT website. For more information, please contact the IT Help Desk at 423.354.5122 or 423.354.2440 (after 4:30 p.m.) or click the IT Help Desk link on the Northeast State web page to submit a help ticket.

Workforce Solutions (Room A212, Blountville) – Workforce Solutions supports workforce development through corporate training, career training, and continuing education. Corporate training provides training developed through partnerships with regional business organizations. Career training guides individuals in short-term career or job training online professional development. Continuing education includes courses, seminars, and invited speakers to provide opportunities for professional development. For more information, please call 423.354.5237 or email Visit the office in the Student Services Building.

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Section 2: Institutional Policy Statements

Northeast State (NeSCC) is a community of scholars in which the ideals of freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, and freedom of the individual are sustained. However, exercising and preserving these freedoms and rights require respect for the rights of all in the community to enjoy them to the same extent. In a community of learning, willful disruption of the educational process, destruction of property, or interference with the orderly process of the College or with the rights of other members of the College cannot be tolerated. To fulfill its functions as an educational institution, NeSCC retains the authority to establish policies and procedures.

NeSCC and the College System of Tennessee, governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR), establish policies, procedures, and guidelines that support a framework and methodology for College administration, best practices, and campus safety. Overarching policies, procedures, and guidelines for the College System of Tennessee are located at The Northeast State Policies and Procedures Manual is found at the link below:

Policies and Procedures Manual Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Form

For questions or concerns regarding policies and procedures, please contact Tracy Barry, Title IX Coordinator, at

Accreditation - Northeast State Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award the associate degree. Northeast State also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Northeast State Community College may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website ( [NeSCC Policy 04:49:00]

Annual Security Report/Crime Statistics – Per Tennessee's College and University Security Information Act of 1989 (TCA § 49-7-2201) and the federal Student Right-to-Know & Campus Security Act of 1990, amended and renamed the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Statistics Act in 1998, Northeast State provides crime statistics to students, prospective students, staff, faculty, and the general public. The Annual Security Report/Crime Statistics may be reviewed at at our Security Report page by clicking the Annual Security Report and Crime Statistics link. For more information, contact the Northeast State Police Department, located in Room C2401 of the General Studies Building and Rooms A101 in the Student Services Building on the Blountville campus, by phone at 423.323.0255 or by email at [NeSCC Policy 03:01:00]

Drug-Free Campus and Workplace – Northeast State employees and students are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use, or being under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol on the College campus, at off-campus facilities owned or controlled by the College, or as a part of College-sponsored activities. All categories of employees and students are subject to this policy and applicable federal, state, and local laws related to this matter. [NeSCC Policy 05:04:02]

Nondiscrimination – Northeast State does not discriminate against students, employees, or applicants for admission or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, ethnic national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, disability, age, status as a covered veteran, genetic information or any other legally protected class with respect to all employment, programs, and activities. The following person has been appointed to oversee inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:

Assistant Director of Equity and Compliance
P. O. Box 246, Blountville, TN 37617-0246

Northeast State’s policy [03:01:01:03] on nondiscrimination can be found on our policy manual website

Student-on-Student Harassment – Tennessee (TCA § 49-7-2406) defines student-on-student harassment as unwelcome conduct directed toward a person that is discriminatory on a basis prohibited by federal, state, or local law and that is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively bars the victim's access to an educational opportunity or benefit. [NeSCC Policy 03:05:03

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Student Life

Section 3: Sanctioned Organizations, Clubs, and Programs

Students may choose to become involved in a wide variety of Student Life activities at Northeast State based on their individual interests. The College’s commitment to the concept of total student development and support is shown by those Student Life programs that are designed to enhance the individual’s collegiate experience. Assessment starts with what matters most: you, the student. The College may ask you to cooperate in various surveys, interviews, focus groups, and other data-collection efforts.

The College sanctions various student organizations, clubs, programs, and academic/co-curricular committees to support student life. Student Life and Engagement programs and student organizations/clubs are designed to promote student involvement. View the most current list of student organizations and clubs at this page.

Institutional Excellence and Student Success
Campus: Blountville
Office: Office of the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success 
Room: C2201, General Studies Building
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
Address: 2425 Highway 75, P.O. Box 246, Blountville, TN 37617
Phone: 423.354.2529

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Connect with Northeast State

Northeast State Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity or national origin, sex, disability, age, status as a protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulations and by Tennessee Board of Regents policies with respect to employment, programs, and activities.

The Northeast State Community College policy on nondiscrimination can be found at For questions or concerns, please email or call at 423.354.5296.