Open to All Students!
Are you looking for the Peer Mentor program (student to student)?
Cate Strain
Lead Mentor/Success Coach
Carla Warner, Ed.D.
Lead Mentor/Success Coach
Blaine Wade, MCM
Lead Mentor/Success Coach
C2112, General Studies Building, Blountville
Success Coach is a professional staff member who provides a broad range of services to students to help them be successful in college. They monitor a student's progression, provide connections to support services, and help students develop plans and strategies to be successful. In some cases, they may provide academic advising and registration assistance.
A Peer Mentor is a successful current Northeast State student who interacts directly and regularly with other Northeast State students seeking personal, social, and academic support. Under the direction of the College’s Mentor Specialist, peer mentors provide advice and support. They may also help students identify goals and connect them to services.
Falling Behind in Your Classes?
Struggling with Time Management?
Need help with studying?
Let a Success Coach Help You!
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