Beginning Tuesday, March 18, 2025, the Business Office will be temporary located in the Admissions and Records Office Room P203
Northeast State Community College - We're here to get you there

Campus Police

As Chief of Police, my responsibility to the students, staff, faculty, and visitors of Northeast State is to provide a safe and secure environment to work and learn. Your assistance and support are necessary factors to ascertain the achievement of this mission.  I hope you find our website both informative and helpful. If you would like more information, or have any questions, please stop by our office located in the Student Services Building (room A101), or call 423.323.0255 (off-campus) or extension 3255 (on-campus). The campus police department is on-duty 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Andrew Mitchem
Chief of Police

Office: A102
Extension: 3355
Phone: 423.279.7655


Crime Bulletins and Alerts

Security bulletins or crime alerts will be communicated through this web page, as well as through memorandums, the campus newsletter, flyers and other forums. Please check this web page periodically for updates.

Want to know if classes are cancelled or delayed quickly?  Sign-up for the NeSCC Alert system here!


Security Reports


Reporting Criminal or Suspicious Activity

NeSCC strongly encourages anyone who witnesses a crime, suspicious activity, or is a victim of crime to immediately notify the NeSPD at 423.677.7927 or call 911. 

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) should report any Clery Act crime reported to you by clicking this link: Campus Security Authority (CSA) Report Form

NeSCC students, staff, and faculty may also report any behaviors of concern to the institution by clicking the icon below.  Reporting activity below will create a notification to the NeSCC Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (BITA) Team for review of the incident.



Emergency Procedures in the Event of Illness/Injury

In the event of illness or injury to an employee, student or visitor, the campus police department should be contacted immediately. Police officers will manage all emergency situations involving illness or injury. Depending upon the nature and seriousness of the illness/injury, the campus police officer will contact an external agency that provides emergency medical care. If an external agency responds to a request from the campus and provides emergency medical care, the individual receiving the care is financially responsible for the cost of the medical service.


Prescription Drug Abuse

For the latest information on the region's efforts to provide substance abuse prevention and treatment, please visit the following links:

The Center for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment

Sullivan County Anti-Drug Coalition

If you have a loved one who is at risk of overdosing on an opioid medication, please contact Sherry Barnett at 423.956.6529 to receive information on Naloxone HCI training, an Opioid Overdose Prevention Kit, and referrals for support services. For more information on naloxone HCI, visit

Officers with the Northeast State Police Department, in accordance with TCA § 63-1-152, have been trained to possess and administer naloxone HCI to treat and reduce injuries and fatalities due to opioid-involved overdoses that may occur on a campus site. Emergency notifications can be made directly to Campus Police at 423.677.7927 (emergency cell) or by calling 9-1-1.   

Sex Offender Directory

The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act and the Tennessee College and University Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2002 require that whenever a sex offender becomes employed, enrolls as a student or volunteers at an institution of higher education in the state of Tennessee, he or she must complete or update the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) sexual offender registration/monitoring form and deliver it to TBI headquarters in Nashville.

In compliance with the federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act and the Tennessee College and University Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2002, members of the campus community may obtain the most recent information received from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) concerning sex offenders employed, enrolled or volunteering at this institution from the Campus Police, in room A101 or by calling 423.323.0255 (off-campus) or extension 3255 (on-campus).

Correspondence may be sent to the following address: Northeast State Community College, Campus Police, P.O. Box 246, Blountville, TN 37617. Information is also available on the TBI’s website listing of sex offenders located on the Internet at the TBI Website under “Sexual Offender Registry.”

Firearms and Other Dangerous Weapons on Campus

As provided in Tennessee Code Annotated §39-17-1309, any unauthorized or illegal possession of, use of, or wearing of firearms or dangerous weapons of any kind shall not be permitted on the Northeast State campus.

State law prescribes a maximum penalty of six (6) years imprisonment and a fine not to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000) for carrying weapons on school property.

Weapons shall include, though not exclusively, the following:  

  • An explosive or an explosive weapon. Explosive weapon means any explosive, incendiary or poisonous gas bomb, grenade, rocket, mine or shell, missile or projectile that is designed, made or adapted for the purpose of inflicting serious bodily injury, death or substantial property damage.
  • A device principally designed, made or adapted for delivering or shooting an explosive weapon.
  • Any knife that has a blade that opens automatically by applied pressure, gravity or inertia, bowie knife, hawk bill knife, or other weapons of like kind.
  • Any other device used for infliction of serious bodily injury or death that has no common lawful purpose.

Employees may become authorized to carry a handgun while on property owned, operated, or controlled by Northeast State Community College. The employee must be a full-time employee or eligible retired law enforcement employee, must not be a current Northeast State Community College student, and must possess a valid handgun carry permit. The employee must notify campus law enforcement. The employee must meet and abide by all requirements set forth by Tennessee Code Annotated §39-17-1309 and §39-17-1351, Tennessee Board of Regents P7:01:00:00, and Northeast State Community College 07:01:00.

Please print and fill out this form, then return to Campus Police in person if you wish to carry a firearm on campus:



More Resources

2023-24 Building Coordinators Manual

2023-24 Building Coordinators List 

Crime Alert  

Emergency Procedures (PDF)

Exposure Control Plan (PDF)

Traffic and Parking Regulations

Appeal Student Traffic Citations

Parking Zones

Connect with Northeast State

Northeast State Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity or national origin, sex, disability, age, status as a protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulations and by Tennessee Board of Regents policies with respect to employment, programs, and activities.

The Northeast State Community College policy on nondiscrimination can be found at For questions or concerns, please email or call at 423.354.5296.