Northeast State Community College - We're here to get you there

Active Shooter

Emergency Actions

  • Alert Campus Police! Call 911 or 423.677.7927 when it is safe to do so.
  • Lockdown. If you can’t leave the area safely, barricade yourself into a secure area and hide. Block entry points with furniture. Silence your phone and be quiet.
  • Inform Campus Police/911 of all information that you have about the situation. Quickly and Accurately reporting information may help to safely expedite the responding officers to the area.
  • Counter the shooter if they enter your area and present a threat to you. Act aggressively and incapacitate the shooter. Throw objects and be loud.
  • Evacuate the area if you are able to do so safely. This is the safest and preferred method of intervention. Leave your belongings and help others if possible.

Active Shooter/Intruder/Hostage Situation Tips

  • Shelter in place. 
  • Clear all hallways and stairs. 
  • Lock all interior doors. 
  • Turn off all lights. 
  • Remain calm, quiet, and out of sight. 
  • Make a plan! 
  • Await further instructions from authorities.

Evacuation Tips

  • Remain calm. 
  • Evacuate using the nearest exit.
  • Do not use elevators!
  • Gather personal belongings (medication, keys, purses, wallets, etc.), but only if safe to do so.
  • Follow directions given by emergency personnel.
  • Assist persons with disabilities or injuries without jeopardizing your safety.
  • If you are unable to evacuate due to a physical disability, go to a safe location (e.g., stairwell next to an elevator) and wait for assistance. Ask others to inform emergency personnel of your location.

Connect with Northeast State

Northeast State Community College, a Tennessee Board of Regents institution, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. For questions or concerns, please contact the Affirmative Action Officer.