Northeast State Community College - We're here to get you there

Understanding Suicide

Man with maskCollege students are in a state of life transition and can be overwhelmed with new opportunities and new responsibilities. Lifestyle changes, such as sleep deprivation and substance abuse, can contribute to suicidal behavior.

College Suicide Statistics

  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college-age students in the United States.
  • On average, there are 1,100 suicides by U.S. college students each year, equivalent to three per day.
  • Young men aged 20-24 are twice as likely to commit suicide compared to young women.
  • It's estimated that 6% of undergraduates and 4% of graduate students seriously consider attempting suicide annually.

Connect with Northeast State

Northeast State Community College, a Tennessee Board of Regents institution, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. For questions or concerns, please contact the Affirmative Action Officer.