Beginning Tuesday, March 18, 2025, the Business Office will be temporary located in the Admissions and Records Office Room P203
Northeast State Community College - We're here to get you there

This page provides helpful information to new and current employees, including some onboarding and orientation information, a guide to requesting types of access across campus, and a guide to common forms used by most employees.

New Employee Onboarding

Human Resources works with each new hire for the required pre-employment paperwork and provides orientation videos to review. Melissa Brickey, our Benefits & Records Partner, is available to discuss any questions or concerns a new hire may have about their paperwork, benefits, or feeling acclimated to the College.

For supervisors of new employees, we provide an Onboarding Checklist to use as a guide to welcoming your new hire. There are lots of things to think of to make sure they are welcomed appropriately, and we've tried to outline as much of that as possible for you.

New Employee Orientation Materials


Helpful Information for All Employees

Access Guide

Forms Guide

Organizational Chart - Under Construction

Campus Maps (Blountville Campus and Kingsport Campus)

Virtual Calm Room

Employee Interest Groups

This year, we've started interest groups so that employees across different departments and campuses can have a chance to learn more about one another. If meeting times are listed for the groups known, please contact the employee for that group if you'd like further information!

Contacts for employee interest groups
 Group   Meeting Times   Employee Contact 
 Book Club   Last Tuesday & Friday of each month from 12-1   Suzanne Lyle
 Walking Club  Tuesdays & Fridays at 4:30; Saturdays at 11:30 AM    Suzanne Lyle 
 Hiking Club  Once a month for specific hikes   Suzanne Lyle
 Crafting Club  First Friday of the month from 12-1   Suzanne Lyle
 Crochet & Knit Club  Second Friday of the month from 12-1   Suzanne Lyle
 Gardening Club  TBD   Suzanne Lyle
 Language Club  TBD   Suzanne Lyle
 Chair Yoga  TBD   Suzanne Lyle
Traveling Wilderbearies 
(International Travel)
 TBD   Suzanne Lyle
 BearFit   TBD   Sherri Jones
 Video Games Club   TBD   Chris Demas


Connect with Northeast State

Northeast State Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity or national origin, sex, disability, age, status as a protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulations and by Tennessee Board of Regents policies with respect to employment, programs, and activities.

The Northeast State Community College policy on nondiscrimination can be found at For questions or concerns, please email or call at 423.354.5296.