Beginning Tuesday, March 18, 2025, the Business Office will be temporary located in the Admissions and Records Office Room P203
Northeast State Community College - We're here to get you there

Adjunct faculty email accounts and Desire to Learn (D2L) are important communication links between instructor and students, division offices, and the administrative offices of the College.


Each adjunct faculty member is required to have a Northeast State e-mail account. If you do not have a computer account you will be asked to fill out the Request for Use of Technology (Computer Account Request) Network Access and E-mail Form. You will be able to access your Northeast State e-mail account away from the campus on any computer that has Internet access by visiting the Faculty and Staff page and selecting Outlook Web Access. Your Northeast State email account and your D2L account should be used for communicating with students via email. Email is to be used for Northeast State professional purposes. Policy 04:09:00

  • Please check your institutional email often so that you do not miss important date sensitive information.
  • Please keep your Deleted Items folder emptied out. Your Deleted Items folder will continue to use up your limited space on the server unless emptied.


Many students are accustomed to using Desire to Learn (D2L) course management system for retrieving information from their instructors and receiving e-mails regarding their class(es). D2L e-mail is a closed system and is only accessible between student and instructor. The D2L email system is not the same as your institutional ( email account. It is important that you utilize D2L. To reset D2L accounts or if you have questions regarding D2L, contact Mike Collins at 423.212.3552 or email at

Student Access to Adjunct Faculty

Each adjunct instructor should provide students with a preferred method of contacting them. Methods of communication may include campus mail, D2L e-mail, telephone, and conferences. A method of contact should be included in the Instructor Syllabus Attachment/Addendum. The individual instructor has the discretion regarding disclosing telephone numbers.


Adjunct faculty teaching on the Blountville campus will not have a mailbox. Adjunct faculty teaching at other campuses may be assigned a mailbox at that site. Please check with the administrative assistant or director at that campus for information regarding mailboxes.

Connect with Northeast State

Northeast State Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity or national origin, sex, disability, age, status as a protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulations and by Tennessee Board of Regents policies with respect to employment, programs, and activities.

The Northeast State Community College policy on nondiscrimination can be found at For questions or concerns, please email or call at 423.354.5296.