A: Day and evening courses are offered at the Northeast State at Kingsport teaching site. The site offers a variety of courses in liberal arts, technical, health-related professions, nursing, and continuing education programs.
A: Each student is assigned a faculty advisor based upon his or her major. Students needing academic assistance are encouraged to seek advisement from their assigned advisor. Students may call 423.323.0229 if they are unsure of their advisor’s name and/or office telephone number or set up an appointment with one of the following advisors at the Kingsport Center for Higher Education (KCHE):
Dr. J. Mike Ramey
Room KC106
Schedule an advising appointment with J. Mike Ramey through his Bookings page.
Michael Happenny
Room KC113
Schedule an advising appointment with Michael Happenny through his Bookings page.
A: Books for classes taught in Kingsport are provided through the bookstore at Northeast State’s Blountville campus or online via the Bookstore.
A: The Student Resource Center at the Kingsport site is linked to the library on the Blountville campus via an automated system and offers access to the online catalog, the Internet, and a variety of full-text databases. Students may also check out selected books, videos, and other materials.
A: The Kingsport Center for Higher Education (KCHE) provides computer use for students in the Student Resource Center, KC331. The Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing (RCAM) provides computer use for students in the Study/Testing Center, KM137.
A: Students may register, drop/add classes, review billing information, etc. at the site by using the MyNortheast system.
A: Students attending the Kingsport site are afforded the same student support services as students attending the Blountville campus. These services are provided by personnel working onsite and also by Northeast State staff from the Blountville campus who visit the site on a regularly scheduled or as-needed basis. Specific dates and times services are available and posted at the various sites. Additional information can be gained by visiting the administrative office at the site.
A: The operational hours for the Kingsport Center for Higher Education are Monday and Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; Wednesday and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; and Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The Administrative office hours for the Regional Center for Health Professions are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
A: See the Inclement Weather policy.
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