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Northeast State Community College - We're here to get you there

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) logo

The Center for Teaching and Learning  (CTL), located in Room L204 in the Wayne G. Basler Library, operates under the auspices of Teaching Excellence and Academic Resources, which operates within the division of Academic Affairs. The Northeast State Center for Teaching and Learning cultivates a vibrant teaching and learning culture by providing innovative, high quality, and relevant adjunct and full-time faculty professional development opportunities to facilitate student success.  To cultivate a culture of excellence, the CTL focuses on the following goals:

  • Identifying best practices for teaching and learning 
  • Offering continuous targeted and motivating faculty training opportunities
  • Intentionally designing programming for faculty at specific career stages
  • Developing communities of practice

The CTL’s office offers multimedia conference space for individualized and small group training as well as office space for the Director and three faculty assistants. Additional training and workshop space is also available in the Wayne G. Basler Library faculty development space, L115, and other campus locations.

The CTL was established as the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) in June 2009 as a component of the SACSCOC (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges) Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). From 2009 until 2016, the CTE focused on four student-centered learning themes--self-regulated learning, active learning, collaborative/cooperative learning, and higher-order thinking--that were part of the Strategies for Teaching Excellence Program (STEP). In Fall 2016, and the completion of the QEP requirement, the CTE began a new phase of its existence with the establishment of STEPsAhead, which continued the focus on student-centered learning defined by STEP with an emphasis on new pedagogical developments, including the use of mobile devices in the classroom, high impact practices, and accessibility.

Beginning Fall 2019, the CTE became the Northeast State Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and has been formally incorporated into the division of Academic Affairs. CTL personnel are concentrating on anticipating and responding to faculty development needs as expressed by individual adjunct and full-time faculty members and the College's Academic Council.


  • Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
  • Office: Wayne G. Basler Library, Room L204
  • Director: Jim Kelly
  • Email:
  • Phone: 423.354.5162
  • Faculty Assistants:
    • Andrea Amos
    • Dawn Dabney
    • Tabetha Garman

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