Fall Commencement
Fall commencement Dec. 15
The Fall 2023 commencement ceremony will take place on Friday, December 15th at the Ballad Health Center for the Performing Arts located on Northeast State's Blountville campus and will be divided into four ceremonies by academic division.
9:00 a.m. Behavioral & Social Sciences
11:00 a.m. Health Professions and Science
1:00 p.m. Humanities and Mathematics
3:00 p.m. Technologies
The ceremonies will be simulcast through Zoom at this link: https://northeaststate.zoom.us/j/95649046049?pwd=SHdqOGNhWWVMb1JZY1BWdk51ZmNQZz09
Meeting ID: 956 4904 6049
Passcode: 453923
Details can be found at https://www.northeaststate.edu/students/commencement.html
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